# IO Expander 9-bit module v1.1 import serial import datetime import time import termios SERIAL_TIMEOUT = 5.0 ser = serial.Serial( port='/dev/serial0', baudrate=115200, parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS, timeout=5 ) import select, socket server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) server.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) server.setblocking(False) host = '' # or localhost port = 1234 server.bind((host, port)) server.listen(5) inputs = [server] outputs = [] # extra termios flags CMSPAR = 0x40000000 # Use "stick" (mark/space) parity # select SPACE parity to clear the address bit def SerialSPACEParity(): iflag,oflag,cflag,lflag,ispeed,ospeed,cc = termios.tcgetattr(ser) cflag |= termios.PARENB | CMSPAR cflag &= ~termios.PARODD termios.tcsetattr(ser, termios.TCSANOW, [iflag,oflag,cflag,lflag,ispeed,ospeed,cc]) # select MARK parity to set the address bit def SerialMARKParity(): iflag,oflag,cflag,lflag,ispeed,ospeed,cc = termios.tcgetattr(ser) cflag |= termios.PARENB | CMSPAR | termios.PARODD termios.tcsetattr(ser, termios.TCSANOW, [iflag,oflag,cflag,lflag,ispeed,ospeed,cc]) # select the IO Expander board by setting the 9th or address bit def SerialWriteBoard(board): if board is not None and board > 0: SerialMARKParity() ser.write(bytes(chr(board),'raw_unicode_escape')) SerialSPACEParity() def SerialAddress(board): SerialWriteBoard(board) TelnetControl(bytes(str(board),'raw_unicode_escape') + b':') # read from the serial port 'until' char is read or 'length' characters received def SerialReadUntil(board, cmd, until): bytes = b'' sec = time.perf_counter() if (board is not None and board > 0): SerialAddress(board) if cmd is not None: ser.write(cmd + b'\r\n') while 1: if ser.in_waiting: ch = ser.read() TelnetControl(ch) # if ch == b'': # if len(bytes) == 0: # return None # break if ch == until: break if ch != b'\r': bytes += ch sec = time.perf_counter() if time.perf_counter() - sec > SERIAL_TIMEOUT: TelnetControl(b'TIMEOUT\r\n') break return bytes # bytes to hex bytes def btoh2(bytes): return bytes.fromhex(bytes.decode("ascii")) # bytes to long def btol2(bytes): return int(bytes) # bytes to decimal. ending returned def btoi2(bytes, start): end = start while end < len(bytes) and bytes[end] >= ord('0') and bytes[end] <= ord('9'): end += 1 if (start == end): return 0, end return int(bytes[start:end]), end+1 # read serial bytes def SerialReadBytes(): return SerialReadUntil(None, None, b'\n') # read serial int def SerialReadInt(): buffer = SerialReadBytes() if buffer is not None: return btol2(buffer) return None def SerialReadHex(): buffer = SerialReadBytes() if buffer is not None: return btoh2(buffer) return None def SerialReadFloat(): buffer = SerialReadBytes() if buffer is not None: if buffer[0] > ord('9'): return None value = float(buffer.decode('raw_unicode_escape')) return value return None # send serial cmd wait for CR returned def SerialCmd(board, cmd): return SerialReadUntil(board, cmd, b'\n') # send serial cmd, wait for '>' returned def SerialCmdDone(board, cmd): return SerialReadUntil(board, cmd, b'>') # wait for '>' returned def SerialReadUntilDone(): return SerialReadUntil(None, None, b'>') # send serial cmd and check for error returned def SerialCmdNoError(board, cmd): noerror = False if SerialCmd(board, cmd) is not None: response = SerialReadBytes() if response is not None: if response[0] == ord('n'): noerror = True SerialReadUntilDone() return noerror # send binary serial bitmap using ascii mode def SerialDisplayBitmap(board, x, y, w, h, bitmap): bw = (w+7)>>3 size = 0 ascii = False n = 0 for i in range(h): if not size: SerialAddress(board) ser.write(b'sb') ser.write(bytes(str(x),'raw_unicode_escape')) ser.write(b',') ser.write(bytes(str(y+i),'raw_unicode_escape')) ser.write(b',') ser.write(bytes(str(w),'raw_unicode_escape')) ser.write(b',') ascii = False for j in range(bw): ch = bitmap[n] n += 1 if ch == ord(b'"') or ch == 8 or ch == 13: if ascii: ser.write(b'"') #if ch < 0x10: # ser.write(b'0') ser.write(bytes(hex(ch)[2:].zfill(2),'raw_unicode_escape')) if size+j < 99: ser.write(b',') ascii = False else: if not ascii: ser.write(b'"') ascii = True ser.write(bytes(chr(ch),'raw_unicode_escape')) size += bw if i == h-1 or size > 100: SerialCmdDone(None, b'') size = 0 # serial read time def SerialReadTime(board): clk = [] if SerialCmd(board, b'sr') is not None: buffer = SerialReadBytes() if buffer is not None: start = 0 for _ in range(6): value,start = btoi2(buffer, start) clk.append(value) SerialReadUntilDone() dt = datetime.datetime(clk[2]+2000,clk[0],clk[1],clk[3],clk[4],clk[5],0) tm = time.localtime(dt.timestamp()) return tm return None # serial write time def SerialWriteTime(board, clk): SerialAddress(board) ser.write(b'sc') ser.write(bytes(str(clk.tm_mon),'raw_unicode_escape')) ser.write(b'/') ser.write(bytes(str(clk.tm_mday),'raw_unicode_escape')) ser.write(b'/') ser.write(bytes(str(clk.tm_year-2000),'raw_unicode_escape')) ser.write(b' ') ser.write(bytes(str(clk.tm_hour),'raw_unicode_escape')) ser.write(b':') ser.write(bytes(str(clk.tm_min),'raw_unicode_escape')) ser.write(b':') ser.write(bytes(str(clk.tm_sec),'raw_unicode_escape')) return SerialCmdDone(None, b'') # serial read EEPROM def SerialReadEEPROM(board, address, length): size = 16 data = b'' while length: if size > length: size = length SerialAddress(board) ser.write(b'sr') ser.write(bytes(hex(address)[2:].zfill(4),'raw_unicode_escape')) ser.write(bytes(hex(size)[2:].zfill(2),'raw_unicode_escape')) SerialCmd(None, b'') buffer = SerialReadBytes() SerialReadUntilDone() data += btoh2(buffer) address += size length -= size return data # serial write EEPROM using ascii mode def SerialWriteEEPROM(board, data, address): size = 0 ascii = False n = 0 length = len(data) while length: if not size: SerialAddress(board) ser.write(b'sw') ser.write(bytes(hex(address)[2:].zfill(4),'raw_unicode_escape')) ascii = False ch = data[n] n += 1 if ch == ord(b'"') or ch == 8 or ch == 13: if ascii: ser.write(b'"') ser.write(bytes(hex(ch)[2:].zfill(2),'raw_unicode_escape')) if length > 1 and size < 99: ser.write(b',') ascii = False else: if not ascii: ser.write(b'"') ascii = True ser.write(bytes(chr(ch),'raw_unicode_escape')) address += 1 length -= 1 size += 1 if not length or size > 100: SerialCmdDone(None, b'') size = 0 return True # serial read button def SerialReadButton(board, cmd): n = 0 SerialCmd(board, cmd) n = SerialReadInt() SerialReadUntilDone() return n # serial write relay expander using ascii mode def SerialWriteRelayExpander(board, data): ascii = False n = 0 length = len(data) SerialAddress(board) ser.write(b'es') while length: ch = data[n] n += 1 if ch == ord(b'"') or ch == 8 or ch == 13: if ascii: ser.write(b'"') ser.write(bytes(hex(ch)[2:].zfill(2),'raw_unicode_escape')) if length > 1: ser.write(b',') ascii = False else: if not ascii: ser.write(b'"') ascii = True ser.write(bytes(chr(ch),'raw_unicode_escape')) length -= 1 return SerialCmdDone(None, b'') ioexpander_mode = False mode_sec = 0.0 echo_chars = 0 cmd_buffer = b'' def TelnetControl(send): global ioexpander_mode, mode_sec, echo_chars, cmd_buffer try: readable, writable, exceptional = select.select(inputs, outputs, inputs, 0) for s in readable: if s is server: client, address = s.accept() client.setblocking(0) inputs.append(client) outputs.append(client) print('Connection from', address) # Force character mode on Pi 4 Telnet # IAC DO LINEMODE IAC WILL ECHO client.send(b'\xff\xfd\x22\xff\xfb\x01') else: data = s.recv(1024) #print('Receive', data) if data: if data[0:1] == b'\x1b': # ESC if ioexpander_mode: s.send(b'\r\nExiting IO Expander Mode\r\n') ioexpander_mode = False else: s.send(b'\r\nEntering IO Expander Mode\r\n>') mode_sec = time.perf_counter() ioexpander_mode = True else: if ioexpander_mode: # Backspace or Linux Delete if data[0:1] == b'\x08' or data[0:1] == b'\x7f': if len(cmd_buffer): cmd_buffer = cmd_buffer[0:len(cmd_buffer)-1] s.send(b'\x08 \x08') elif data[0:1] == b'\r': # Return board = 0 s.send(b'\r') if len(cmd_buffer): board,start = btoi2(cmd_buffer, 0) if cmd_buffer[start-1:start] == b':' and board: cmd_buffer = cmd_buffer[start:] + b'\r' SerialWriteBoard(board) for ch in cmd_buffer: ser.write(bytes(chr(ch),'raw_unicode_escape')) wait_sec = time.perf_counter() while not ser.in_waiting: time.sleep(0.001) if time.perf_counter() - wait_sec > SERIAL_TIMEOUT: s.send(b'\nWait for Response Timeout\r\n>') cmd_buffer = b'' return ioexpander_mode echo = ser.read() # Response wait_sec = time.perf_counter() while 1: if ser.in_waiting: ch = ser.read() s.send(ch) if ch == b'>': break sec = time.perf_counter() if time.perf_counter() - sec > SERIAL_TIMEOUT: s.send(b'\nWait for Done Timeout\r\n>') cmd_buffer = b'' return ioexpander_mode else: s.send(b'\nNo Board Address\r\n>') cmd_buffer = b'' else: s.send(b'\n>') else: cmd_buffer += data s.send(data) mode_sec = time.perf_counter() else: if data[0:1].upper() == b'C': s.send(b'\r\nbye bye\r\n') if s in outputs: outputs.remove(s) inputs.remove(s) s.close() else: if s in outputs: outputs.remove(s) inputs.remove(s) s.close() for s in writable: if len(send): s.send(send) for s in exceptional: inputs.remove(s) if s in outputs: outputs.remove(s) s.close() if ioexpander_mode: if ser.in_waiting: ch = ser.read() if echo_chars: for s in writable: s.send(ch) else: echo_chars -= 1 if time.perf_counter() - mode_sec > 60.0: for s in writable: s.send(b'\r\nTimeout IO Expander Mode\r\n') ioexpander_mode = False except AssertionError as error: print(error) return ioexpander_mode